More HTML Quick Reference

Color Codes for HTML
Color Code Color Code
Agua 00FFFF Navy 000080
Black 000000 Olive 808000
Blue 0000FF Purple 800080
Fuchsia FF00FF Red FF0000
Gray 808080 Silver C0C0C0
Green 008000 Teal 008080
Lime 00FF00 White FFFFFF
Maroon 800000 Yellow FFFF00

Note: "0" is the number zero, NOT the letter "o"

Text Formatting Tags
<BR> Line break
<FONT>...</FONT> Changes the characteristics of the enclosed text
SIZE=? Used with leading font tag to specify size, value may be absolute (1 to 7) or relative (-3 to +4)
FACE="..." Used with leading font tag to specify font face, may specify alternates by separating names with commas
<BASEFONT> Used in heading section to specify default font size or font face for entire document
<DIV>...</DIV> Surrounds block of HTML, used with ALIGN to align everything in enclosed block (text, images, paragraphs, etc.)
ALIGN=? Used with leading heading, font, paragraph or div tag to align text, values may be LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER


Used to indent block of text
&...; Special character, named entity; e.g., &quote; for quotation mark
&#...: Special character, numbered entity; e.g., &#233; for accented e

<TABLE> ...</TABLE> Creates a table
BORDER Used with leading table tag to draw border around table
<CAPTION> ...</CAPTION> Table title, may use ALIGN= to position
<TR>...</TR> Table row, use ALIGN=? to specify horizontal alignment of all cells within the row, use VALIGN=? to specify vertical alignment of all cells within row (values are TOP, BOTTOM or CENTER)
<TH>...</TH> Table heading cell, may use ALIGN=? and VALIGN=?
<TD>...</TD> Table data cell, may use ALIGN=? and VALIGN=?
ROWSPAN="..." Used with leading TH or TD tag to specify number of rows spanned by cell, combines cells
COLSPAN="..." Used with leading TH or TD tag to specify number of columns spanned by cell, combines cells
NOWRAP Used with leading TH or TD tag to turn of automatic text wrapping


<IMG....> Inserts image into document
SRC="..." The URL of the image
ALT="..." Text to be displayed instead of image
ALIGN=? Aligns image, values may be TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, TEXTTOP, ABSMIDDLE, BASELINE or ABSBOTTOM. may also margins and wrap text using LEFT or RIGHT values.
VSPACE="..." Specifies vertical blank space above and below image
HSPACE="..." Specifies horizontal blank space left and right of image
BGCOLOR="..." Used with leading BODY or TABLE tag to specify background color, values are hexadecimal color number
BACKGROUND=".." Used with leading BODY or TABLE tag to specify background image, image is tiled, value is URL of image