HTML Quick Reference

Structure Tags
<!...> Creates a comment
<HTML>...</HTML> Encloses the entire HTML document
<HEAD> ...</HEAD> Encloses the head of the HTML document
<BODY> ... </BODY> Encloses the body (text and tags) of the HTML document
<ISINDEX> Indicates the document is a gateway script that allows searches


Headings and Titles
<H1>...</H1> Heading size #1 (largest)
<H2>...</H2> Heading size #2
<H3>...</H3> Heading size #3
<H4>...</H4> Heading size #4
<H5>...</H5> Heading size #5
<H6>...</H6> Heading size #6 (smallest)
<TITLE>...<TITLE> The title of the document


<P>...</P> Defines a plain paragraph


<A>. . . </A> Creates a link or anchor
HREF="..." The URL of the document to be linked to this one
NAME=... The name of the anchor


<OL>...</OL> An ordered (numbered) list
<UL>...</UL> An unordered (bulleted) list
<MENU>...</MENU> A menu list of items
<DIR>... </DIR> A directory listing
<LI> A list item
<DL>...</DL> A definition or glossary list
<DT> A definition term
<DD> The corresponding definition to a definition term


Character Formatting
<EM>...</EM> Emphasis (usually appears as italic)
<STRONG>...</STRONG> Stronger emphasis (usually appears as bold)
<CODE>...</CODE> Code sample (usually Courier)
<KBD>...</KBD> Text to be typed (usually Courier)
<VAR> ...</VAR> A variable or placeholder for some other value
<SAMP>...</SAMP> Sample text (Proposed)
<DFN>...</DFN> A definition of a term
<CITE>...</CITE> A citation
<B>...</B> Boldface text
<I>...</I> Italic text
<TT>...</TT> Typewriter font